The Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy (PBSP) Training Course
The Pesso Boyden Training Institute is the UK’s only accredited body to offer you the internationally recognised PBSP Certification/Accreditation
Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP) is a body-based therapy, and an approach to human psychological development.
It represents the coming together of psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural and system-oriented principles, along with client-centred attitudes, in one integrated philosophy.

Body-based information and experiences are utilised, applying well defined principles and techniques which are offered to participants in a way that empowers them to stay in charge of their own therapeutic process.
This unified method is supported by the latest research on cognition, emotion, memory systems and brain functions.
Sandy, Juliet and Sally, The Pesso Boyden UK Trainers
Who may wish to take the training programme
Trained therapeutic professionals
The Pesso Boyden Training Programme is for qualified counsellors and psychotherapists who wish to develop and practice as a Pesso Boyden therapist or to integrate the Pesso Boyden method into their therapeutic approach when working one-to-one or in group therapy sessions.
Non-therapeutic professionals
Training is also open to those in other ‘people’ professions, such as teachers or coaches who, while not therapeutically trained, might find that the Pesso Boyden approach will enhance their attunement skills, which are central to successful outcomes with students and clients.
How is the course structured and delivered?
The teaching is interactive and engaging, featuring skills practice from the outset. It includess ‘live supervision’ and demonstrations, which are interspersed with formal lectures. Participants learn how to incorporate using the body in their therapeutic practice.
Participants undertake their own individual study and practice throughout the programme. They are also expected to experience Pesso Boyden structures as clients, as part of their personal therapy outside the programme. A minimum of three sructures per year is recommended.